RISE Treatment Room FAQ's

What should I wear to my treatment?

Activewear such as shorts or leggings are preferred to keep you covered but also give the practitioner flexibility to move you around comfortably. Tops that you can slide off the shoulders is also preferable so the practitioner can have full access to your shoulders and back while keeping you comfortable.


Can I use my private health insurance?

Yes. We do not have a HICAPS machine on site, but we will send you an invoice post your treatment which you can submit to your private health provider for a rebate.


What is the difference between Relax and Repair?

A Relax treatment includes relaxation and remedial massage. It does not include an initial consultation or diagnosis of injuries/complaints.


A Repair treatment includes treating an injury or complaint. This could be a rolled ankle or a persistent injury such as ongoing shoulder pain. You may be given rehabilitation exercises, manual therapy, dry needling, cupping, and injury diagnosis.


Why do I need/what is an initial consultation? 

Your first appointment with a practitioner will include an in-depth consultation to help grasp the best understanding of your body and the treatment you require. This will also include treatment of your injury or complaint and will go for approx. 45-minutes. It is tailored exclusively to you and your needs, whatever they may be.

To achieve this, your health professional will aim to obtain a thorough understanding of you, your complaint, as well as your past medical history. This may involve them asking detailed questions about accidents, surgeries, family history, and other topics that may seem unrelated at the time but assist your treater in providing the safest and most effective service possible. 


Follow up appointments can then be shorter and will not include a consultation.


Is treatment painful? 

A manual therapy treatment can involve a wide range of techniques designed to promote healing and repair of musculoskeletal issues. These techniques can sometimes elicit an unpleasant feeling on painful areas. This is all done in order to promote long term pain relief and, if you have any concerns, please speak to your allied healthcare professional who can tailor their choice of techniques to best suit your preferences and provide you with alternative treatment options.


Can I exercise after treatment?

Some manual therapy treatments are more intense than others, and your body’s response to your session may vary. It is generally recommended to avoid intense exercise after an appointment, but some gentler activities may be acceptable. Consult with your allied health professional if you have any questions regarding this.


Can patients bring a friend/relative/emotional support human? 



How many treatments will I need? 

This depends on the severity and complexity of the complaint. Once a consultation is done, future treatment will become clearer.


What should I bring to my treatment?

Please bring any imaging results (X-Rays, Ultrasound, CT scan, etc.).


What is the cancelation policy?

Our current cancelation window is at least 8-hours prior to your treatment. Please cancel your appointment or let us know if you are unable to attend within this time frame to avoid being charged 50% of your treatment cost.


When can I book?

We have practitioners available Monday-Thursday. Our Osteopaths are on site Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and our Physiotherapists are on site Wednesday and Thursday.


I’m pregnant, are the treatments on offer safe for me?

Treatment has generally been shown to be safe and effective during pregnancy.


Do I need a referral?


If you have any other questions, please email rise@101collins.com.au.