
4.5 Star NABERS

Sustainability // February 2022 4.5 Star NABERS
101 Collins Achieves a 4.5 Star NABERS Waste Rating.

We’re proud to announce that 101 Collins has been awarded a 4.5 star NABERS waste rating, placing 101 Collins in the top seven buildings in Australia for waste, achieving a better rating than 98.9% of waste ratings in Australia. An essential and key part of 101 Collins’ sustainability strategy, this achievement is a result of innovations and ambitions of the 101 Collins management team.

What is NABERS?
NABERS is a simple and reliable sustainability rating for the built environment, similar to the efficiency star ratings of many household appliances. NABERS provides a rating from one to six stars for a buildings’ efficiency across energy, water, waste and indoor environment evaluation criteria; helping buildings to understand their performance and providing a benchmark for progress and improvement. 

The Impact of Building Waste.
Although not often front of mind when discussing sustainability in buildings, waste poses a significant threat to our environment. According to NABERS, prior to COVID, Australia generated an estimated 74.1 million tonnes of waste between 2018-19. Of this, a large portion came directly from commercial buildings, with nearly 22 million tonnes being produced by the commercial and industrial buildings sector alone. 

We’re very proud of this result, especially understanding the contribution from commercial buildings to Australia’s waste. Sustainability is at the core of who we are, and we will continue to work diligently to ensure our building remains environmentally friendly across all NABERS ratings. To learn more about the NABERS rating system, click here.

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